The College of Science at Basrah University organized a seminar on Evaluation Of Water Quality Of Three Water Treatment Plants In Basrah Province.
The seminar, which was given by Zahraa Abdul-Ammer Taha Al-Jaberi, a master's student in the Ecology Department, aimed to assess the performance of three of Basra's main water treatment plants based on physicochemical and bacteriological properties as there have been insufficient previous studies on this important public health and environmental issue in the Basrah Province.
The seminar focused on the seasonal changes in the quality of treated and raw water of this three major water treatment plants that supply water to several regions in Basra Governorate, including the city Center and its surrounding areas, including the Qurna district.
The study used 23 chemical, physical, and bacteriological tests to assess the quality of raw and treated water for the stations under study in order to determine its suitability for drinking or agricultural use.
The seminar also included an assessment of the efficiency of the water treatment plants under investigation and suggested a number of solutions that may contribute to improving water quality in Basrah Governorate.