Today, thank God, the visit of the Ministerial Committee for the evaluation of the academic reality of the College of Science was completed. The visit included the Department of Life Sciences, where the committee
expressed its satisfaction and appreciation for the positive aspects it saw within the department.
In this context, the committee offered special praise for the organization and efforts made that contributed to the success of this visit and the crowning of this achievement.
The Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Majid Nouri Hamoud, expressed his deep thanks to everyone who contributed to this success, starting with the tireless efforts of Dr. Adnan Al-Badran and the rapporteur, to the cadres of the senior, morning and evening examination committees, with reference to the distinguished efforts of the Quality Committee led by Dr. Najwa and Dr. Ilham in the quality of laboratories.
The Dean praised the keenness of everyone, whether members of the committees or other professors, such as Dr. Karim, Dr. Taleb, and Dr. Iman, who were present and contributed in every step to ensure that the department appears in the best possible light before the committee.