PhD thesis at Basraha University to be discussed (Qualitative and Quantitative Composition of Algae in the East Hammar Marsh )

)Ph. D thesis at the faculty of Science at the University of Basraha  (Qualitative and Quantitative Composition of Algae in the East Hammar Marsh), and showed the researcher's thesis (Ebtehal Mussa Jaffer). Thesis aims to identify the physical and chemical nature of the study area and follow up on its Spatio-temporal changes during the different months to show their environmental and economic effects. The apparent impact these changes had on the environment, and then try to link these characteristics with the quality of the phytoplankton present and concluded recording 223 types of phytoplankton and recording five new species for the first time in Iraq. The study recommended testing the ability of phytoplankton to withstand the levels of different pollutants and thus using them as life guides for this.