The College of Science organizes a field work trip to the Nahran Omar field for the well drilling course G403 for morning and evening students


The Department of Earth Science at the College of Science organized a fieldwork trip to Nahran Omar for students of Well Pallor C403 for morning and evening study students. The visit was to the Nahran Omar laboratories and to the pulp workshop, where they were briefed and trained on how to describe the rock core and how to make rock slides in the pulp workshop, as well as explaining how Calculation of private and general petrophysical properties in laboratories under the supervision of Dr. Fahd Mansour Saqr and Dr. Wasan Sabih Hamdan, it was learned how to describe the pulp in terms of rockiness, porosity, transformational processes and their relationship to production, in addition to watching the pulp of oil formations in different fields. The students also visited the slides workshop and learned about the process of manufacturing slides from pulp. The trip also included a visit to the laboratories for measuring porosity, permeability, relative permeability, and capillary pressure tests.