A doctoral dissertation defense discuses New Antioxidants for Lubricant Oils

The Department of Chemistry hold a doctoral theses defense  entitled (Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Some New Antioxidants for Lubricant Oils). Hold of the college of science, chemistry Department. The presenter (Faez Sameer Saleh AL-Shibli) demonstrated to (synthesing new antioxidants and adding them to the lubricating oils used in the lubrication processes of industrial machinery and equipment). The new antioxidants were synthesized from the following compounds: benzoquinone, styrene and eugenol (clove oil) after adding them to thiol compounds such as: (1-Octane thiol and 1-Dodecane thiol) to obtain new antioxidant compounds to be added to industrial lubricating oils such as (machine oils and hydraulic) for the purpose of their resistance to oxidation processes that occur due to high temperatures and humidity, as well as to extend the life of these oils for the longest possible period.

The effectiveness of the synthesized new antioxidants was compared with that of a commercial antioxidant compound, which is BHT, where it was observed that the compounds that were synthesized were more efficient as antioxidants than the commercial antioxidant compound BHT, against the oxidation processes that occur in industrial lubricating oils.