A master's thesis at the University of Basraha (Study of the fungal community of stored local Wheat grain, flour and bran and ability of some Aspergillus flavus to produce aflatoxin(


A master's thesis  at the University of Basraha  (Study of the fungal community of stored local Wheat grain, flour and bran and ability of some Aspergillus flavus to produce aflatoxin(

    Showed the researcher's thesis (Wasan Fouad Fadhel( This study included isolating the fungi associated with local wheat grains, flour and bran from three governorates and diagnosing them morphologically and molecularly.The study included the detection of the ability of A.flavus isolates to produce aflatoxin based on multiplex PCR technology with nor-1, ver-1 and omt-A genes, and it was found that 37 out of 50 fungal isolates were aflatoxin-producing. The study included the registration of 16 species of fungi and two genera  for the first time from stored wheat and its products in Iraq.The study concluded that the fungi were diagnosed in whole grains and bran were higher than flour,which indicates that process of peeling and grinding grains leads to areduction in the levels of potential contamination in the final product(flour) and recommended the importance of health education on the issue of mycotoxin by the Ministry of Health and scientific institutions because of its risks to human health, especially aflatoxin B1,which is one of the most important cause of carcinogenic and teratogen, and obligating grain mills to sterilize grinding cylinders.