The University of Basrah records a disease case for the first time in the world

A research group  Dr. Marwan Yassin Abdel Majid, Dr. Ahmed Abdel Barghal and researcher Esraa Asaad Aziz from the University of Basrah, College of Science, Department of Biology have identified a Novel Case Report of human eye infection by a certain microbe. This Novel report has been registered and published as an abstract within the
AMMI Canada-CACMID Annual Conference, which hold in Vancouver city in Canada between 5 – 8 April 2022. The abstract then after published in (JAMMI), Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada that sponsored by University of Toronto, Canada.

As the research group mentioned that this a great achievement for our country Iraq, Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research and University of Basrah under supervision of Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Saad Sh. Hamadi. The global achievement will support and enhance the University rank locally and globally.