Seminar at the Department of Biology entitled Morphological and Molecular Investigation of Fungi Associated with Yellowing and Pallor Symptoms on Wheat Plants in Some Fields in the North of Basra province. This study is the first in Middle East, since there were not previous publications about the community of environmental mycobiota associated with entire wheat plant parts (ear, crown, stem and root) in Iraq and the Middle East countries. Therfore, this study was conducted to achieve several aims, firstly to survey the most fungal microflora in seven cultivars of winter wheat in 14 field distributed on 7 districts in Basra province. Secondly, to identify an 88 Fusarium isolates that detected during this study. Thirdly, to detect and quantify the main mycotoxins in seeds of seven wheat cultivars planted in the examined wheat fields by using HPLC analysis. Fourthly, to assess the pathogenicity of nine Fusarium species identified in this study. Fifthly, to evaluate the distribution of the 88 Fusarium isolates in the studied areas. Then, to estimate FHB and FCR disease incidences on wheat and their interaction with cultural methods that used in wheat cropping system in the studied areas. Finally, to evaluate the interaction between FHB and FCR disease incidences and physiochemical parameters for soil samples and environmental factors in the studied areas.