The Head of the Department of Geology at the University of Basrah meets with representatives of the Halliburton Oil Company

The Head of the Department of Geology, Dr. Abbas Hamid Muhammad, has met with Mr. Ahmed Kazem and Mr. Haider Walid of the Halliburton Oil Company.
The two sides discussed the agreement between the Ministry of Oil and the director of the Halliburton Company, Iraq Branch, Mr. Fahd Al-Intisar. Based on this agreement, the Iraqi universities have been included within the University Grand Program, and thus the Department of Geology at the University of Basrah became part of this program. 
The agreement included installing and explanation the Landmark software, and obtaining the installation license and updating it annually. Also, the program includes installing four other programs in the field of petroleum geology, which are useful for postgraduate students. Besides that, the program included training students of the Department of Geology during the summer at Halliburton, as well as working on conducting and publishing papers by researchers from the department and the company.