University of Basrah organizes a seminar on the stability of the Iraqi coast and the impact of erosion and sedimentation factors on the surface sediments of the area

The college of science at the University of Basrah organized a seminar on the engineering geological assessment of the stability of the Iraqi Coast. The study aims to evaluate the physical and geotechnical sediments of the area, calculate some properties such as resistance and shear stress of the soil, monitor the change of the coastline by means of pathometric maps, hydrological assessment of water currents and design a mathematical model that predicts the risks in the area . It included the seminar in which the doctoral student was present ....Heba Ahmed Mahdi .Under the supervision of a.Dr. Raed Aziz Mahmoud and A.D Wissam Razzaq mutashir..The importance of the Iraqi coast and the factors affecting the change of the coastline