The Faculty of science at the University of Basrah organized a seminar on improving oil recovery using low-salinity water, surfactant and polymer to form the supervisor in the ratawi field in southern Iraq. The study aims to improve the oil production from the reservoir as well as the interpretation of the petrophysical data and the construction of the geological model of the reservoir . The seminar, which was attended by researcher Rahman Fakher Matar, included analyzing data for five wells and taking cores for two wells to form the supervisor in the ratawi field, interpreting petrophysical data, building a geological model, as well as conducting chemical tests of the materials used in the injection process and conducting laboratory experiments, including the water flooding experiment using the core flooding device . The study found that the use of the optimal concentration of surfactant, polymer and low-salinity water gives the highest values for the extraction of oil from the extracted spheres in laboratory experiments.