Visit to the orphanage by professors of the Department of biology Sciences.

The Department of biology Sciences at the College of Science organized a fundraising campaign to support the children of the orphanage (Dar Al-Zahour located in the Yassin Khuraibet area), in which a group of faculty members from the department participated. The campaign included valuable donations of clothing, food supplies, and school supplies. The donations were delivered to the orphanage on (22-9-2024), as part of our ongoing commitment to promoting the values ​​of social solidarity and providing support to the most needy groups.

Donating and participating in such charitable initiatives reflects the spirit of cooperation and social responsibility that we are proud of. Supporting orphaned children is not only a humanitarian duty, but an investment in building a generation capable of facing the challenges of the future and achieving its ambitions.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this initiative, and we emphasize the importance of continuing this type of humanitarian activities that contribute to improving the living conditions of children in need.

