A master's thesis at the University of Basrah examines the study of the geochemical and mineralogical vertical distribution of sediments for selected area in Basrah city

The master's thesis at the college of science at the University of Basra examined the study of the geochemical and mineralogical vertical distribution of sediments for selected areas in the city of Basra . The thesis presented by the student Zainab Walid Abdul Razzaq Al-Saad aims to determine the ratios of chemical elements, identify the main elements and rare elements, study their variation by depth, understand the degree of variation and distribution of elements horizontally and vertically at prominent depths, and assess their correlation with sedimentation environments. The thesis included the study of the percentage of pollution of the area through pollution factors and the investigation of geochemical factors that determine the degree of decomposition and weathering.The letter concluded that the EF-CF-PLI ratios indicate low pollution values, while the geochemical index (CIA) and (CIW) ratios suggest that the study area has undergone a preliminary weathering phase and preliminary decomposition of sediments. The letter recommended a detailed geochemical and mineralogical study of the greater depths. And to carry out a comprehensive hydrological study of the Ring Road in Basra, due to its importance, as it surrounds the city from all directions and connects its center to the periphery.