The Department of Biology at the College of Science - University of Basrah organized an online electronic scientific workshop entitled "Using Artificial Neutral Network in Diagnosis" The workshop, was given by the lecturer, Dr. Hisham Faiadh, which aimed to clarify the importance of using artificial intelligence in diagnosis through the programs that were used in prediction, as well as the diagnosis of some diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, neonatal defect, heart attacks and strokes by applying the ANN program. also, evaluating and diagnosing many types and concentrations of some materials such as toxic and carcinogenic pollutants compared to devices with high accuracy for determining the concentrations in instance ICPMS. The workshop included three axes. The first axis included a brief introduction to show the importance and the role of the ANN program in diagnosis, as well as a brief comparison between artificial and natural intelligence. The second axis included methods of designing ANN programs and how to use it through training and test, while the third axis included who are involved in using the ANN program and the most important applications in which the ANN program was used, finally, the lecturer indicating the latest study which he had done on the basis of this program and it was published in a scientific journal with a high impact factor and one of Scopes and Clarvet with 1Q, which is the Journal of Analytical and Bio Analytical Chemistry of the Springer publishing house, in addition, the workshop recommended to apply this type of program as a diagnostic tool in support of high-cost diagnostic methods and bulky devices for the purpose of avoiding spend money and waste of time by relying on this fast and inexpensive method before sending samples to the main centers and specialized laboratories.