A doctoral thesis at the College of Science/University of Basra discusses a Molecular Study of the Phylogenetic Groups and Virulence Factors of E. coli Bacteria Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections.


A doctoral thesis at the College of Science/University of Basra discusses a Molecular Study of the Phylogenetic Groups and Virulence Factors of E. coli Bacteria Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections.

It included the researcher's thesis(Haifa Adnan Mansour Al-mosawi) Isolation and identification of E. coli bacteria, the common cause of urinary tract infections, from patients with urinary tract infections from public hospitals in the city of Basra, Iraq.

  The thesis aims to study investigation role of characteristics (virulence factors, phylogroups and antibiotics resistance) of E. coli in the accurance of urinary tract infections

The study concluded that there is an association between antibiotic resistance, phylogenetic groups, and virulence factors. The study demonstrated that bacterial strains causing urinary tract infections have high resistance to antibiotics, with the D phylogenetic group dominating. Our findings suggest that considering bacterial pathogenicity associated with urinary tract infections may help clinicians provide better care. The study recommended the development of new treatment and prevention strategies from urinary tract infections and their treatment, such as anti-virulence drugs or vaccines that target specific virulence factors, and reducing the use of antibiotics.