The University of Basrah organizes a seminar entitled (Fish Biodiversity)


The College of Science at the University of Basrah organized a seminar entitled (Fish Biodiversity in the intertidal zone of the Shatt al-Arab estuary in the northern Arabian Gulf) by the graduate student Adil Fadhil Abbas. The study aims to know fish biodiversity and its relationship to abiotic environmental factors affecting the number, species and spread of marine fish in the region and included  and the study was recommended 

 1. Conduct systematic and continuous studies of fish diversity in the study area to provide the Iraqi scientific library with sufficient information about the fish diversity of the region.

2. Conduct systematic studies of fish diversity and other biological groups in the intertidal zone in the northern Arabian Gulf and link them to climate change, especially since these areas are among the environments most affected by climate change.

3. Conduct studies on the nutrition of fish present in the region and find the nutritional relationship between them, especially as prey and predators.

4. Conduct extensive studies to track food chains from primary production to final consumers.