Master Thesis / at Basraha University to be discussed (The importance of carbapenemase resistance among clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates)



A master's thesis at the faculty of Science at the University of Basraha Investigation of Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemases (KPC) and New Delhi metallo-ß- lactamase (NDM) Carbapenemase Genes Among Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates From Different Clinical Specimens in Al-Basrah Province ,Iraq

 And showed the researcher's thesis Intithar Mahdi Mozan Diagnosis of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from samples Clinical urine, sputum, wound swab . The study of its susceptibility to antibiotic resistance. Studying the types of resistance genes Carried by these bacteria. The study of protein changes in resistance genes. Thesis aims to isolation and diagnosis of Klebsiella pneumoniae and determination of its susceptibility to resistance to carbapenem antibiotics and concluded

Spread of New-Delhei Metallo-β-Lactamases(MBLs) plasmids blaNDM type of carbapenemase among the Klebsiella pneumonia isolates in Al-Basrah hospitals.

Detection methods by Polymerase chain reaction are more useful than the other methods for the detection of producing carbapenemase-producing organisms.

 and recommended

Adoption of the use of polymerase chain reaction in the investigation

and diagnosis of the pathogenic bacteria that produce carbapenemase enzymes in the hospitals of Iraq in general and Al- Basrah province in particular.

Additional studies are needed to investigate other bacterial species producing carbapenemase enzymes and to develop a database of the most frequent types of bacteria producing carbapenemase enzymes in Iraq.