Ph. D thesis at the faculty of Science at the University of Basraha (Taxonomic and Ecological Study For Some Families of Wasps (Order :Hymenoptera ) in Basrah Province .

  PhD thesis at Basraha University to be discussed : Wasps in Basrah Province.

Ph. D thesis at the faculty of Science at the University of Basraha (Taxonomic and Ecological Study For Some Families of Wasps (Order :Hymenoptera ) in Basrah Province .

, and showed the researcher's thesis (Zainab Fadhel Mansowr ). The study aims to conduct a comprehensive survey of some wasps in Basrah Province and included a phenotypic diagnosis of species and their description , create taxonomical keys , study of some environmental factors affecting wasps , and the evaluation of their biodiversity . and concluded that there is a great diversity in the families , genera and species of wasps in Basrah Province , the study was recommended extensive phenotypic and genetic taxonomic studies for all families of wasps over Iraq to enhance the Iraqi fauna and conduct more environmental studies and evaluate the biodiversity of wasps .