Master Thesis / PhD thesis at Basraha University to be discussed.. (Study of the effect of some plant extracts on the vitality of the larval stages of Echinococcus granulosus in and out vivo)

A master's thesis / Ph. D thesis at the faculty of at the University of Basraha .
(Study of the effect of some plant extracts on the vitality of the larval stages of Echinococcus granulosus in and out vivo), and showed the researcher's thesis (Haneen abdalkarim Daghlaoui). the conduct of the current study to show the effect of the active substances (curcumin and piperin) for turmeric and black pepper compared to albendazole on the vitality of the primary headers of the larval phase of the granular thorn outside and inside the living body in laboratory mice mus Musculus BALB \ C strain and the effect of these effective compounds on the gene expression of one of the genes responsible for the vitality of the larval phases is assessed by the callamodoline gene. The thesis aims to study the effect of active compounds on the gene expression of genes responsible for the vitality of the ritual phases. It was deduced. The water and organic extracts of the study plants are highly qualified to kill primary headers and the water extracts have had the greatest impact on the loss of the parasite, as well as the mixed effect of active substances (curcumin and piperian) is the most effective in The parasite's death recommended further studies on turmeric and black pepper extracts in order to use them as an alternative to chemotherapy in treating parasitic diseases.