Master Thesis thesis at Basraha University to be discussed.(Physiological and Histopathological flora of induced cirrhosis)

A master's thesis thesis at the faculty of Science at the University of Basraha ..... (Physiological and Histopathological effects of induced liver fibrosis  and role of Matrix metalloproteinase13 in male rats)  and showed the researcher's thesis (Ali Hussein Selman). Thesis aims to Investigation of the protective role of vitamin D3 and its role in the treatment of hepatic fibrosis (Lf) and its complications and evaluation of the role of MMP-13 enzyme using ELIZA technique in addition to an immunohistochemical study of MMP-13 expression in liver tissues of mice induced B (during The different stages of the late stages of fibrosis, the stage of cirrhosis, and they were compared with the control.

The study dealt with the identification of some biochemical variables and the experience of (Lf) such as the percentage of fats, hepatic transports, and aquatic models of plant plants.

A diagnostic factor whose level changes with the change in the periods of induction and treatment, and the presence of abnormal tissue changes in the liver sections

The study recommended a chemical study to evaluate the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the signals on the mesenchymal cells, hepatocytes, and Kupffer cells in cirrhosis, as well as the quantitative and qualitative expression of metalloproteinase (MMP).