A lecturer from Basrah University participates in the discussion of a master's thesis at the University of Karbala

Dr. Enaam Mahmoud Najm, a lecturer in Biology Department  at the College of Science, Basrah University , participated as the head of the discussion committee for a master’s thesis for student Zainab Nasi Aref from the Department of Pathological Analysis in the College of Medical and Applied Sciences / University of Karbala, which is tagged
A Study of Bacterial Infections and Their Effects on Some Parameters Associated with Heart Failure Patients, in Karbala
Dr. Inam explained that the thesis included several aspects that dealt with isolating and diagnosing inflammatory bacterial species for patients with heart failure, with an indication of blood parameters and lipid levels, in addition to testing drug sensitivity to the free anti-meropenem loaded on the zinc oxide nanomaterial.