The College of Science at the University of Basra is preparing to organize a lecture on occupational health and safety sciences.

By the auspices of the head of Basrah University Prof. Saad Shaheen   And under the supervision of dean of science college Dr. Mowafaq Fadhl Al-shahwan with the coordination of   Dr. Prof. Awattif Hameed Issa. Pathological analyzes department will hold online   scientific lecture    entitled “the occupational health and safety sciences “.As part of the (Visiting Lecturer ) program The lecture is delivered by Dr. Ibrahim Hassan Tewfik is a lecturer at the Golden Academy for Development and a consultant and reviewer of safety and security systems On Wednesday 15/9/ 2021   at 10:00 pm  Using FCC program  with ID code (examugscipath).

Note: All the participants will receive a free participation certificate.