College of Science, University of Basra, a panel discussion on (studying some virulence factors of most prevalent bacteria associated with otitis media) for graduate student Noor Hafez Ahmed. The study aims to isolate and diagnose the bacteria that cause otitis media and test antibiotics sensitivity to it for the purpose of determining the appropriate treatment, as well as addressing some of the virulence factors for these bacteria, including their ability to produced hemolysis and production of protease enzymes, as well as studying their ability to form biofilm. The study included collecting swabs from patients with otitis media, and the bacteria isolated from the disease were cultured and diagnosed. Staphylococcus aureus was the main cause of the disease, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in the second place. In addition, other types were isolated at different rates, and tests of virulence factors revealed the ability of most of the isolates to produced hemolysin ,protease , biofilm formation , and resistance of these bacteria to the antibiotics used in the study, the study recommended (the necessity of taking swabs for patients with this disease by doctors and transplanting them for the purpose of diagnosing the type of bacteria causing it and conducting antibiotics sensitivity test for it for the purpose of diagnosing the appropriate treatment, as well as not cleaning and treating the ear without consulting the specialized doctor).