The University of Basrah organizes a seminar entitled (fungal Sinusitis and Tonsillitis ).

The College of Science at the University of Basrah organized a seminar entitled (Fungal Sinusitis and Tonsillitis ).

by the graduate student Raghda Hazim Daham.

THE study aims to determine the cases of fungal sinusitis and tonsillitis and investigate the virulence factor of fungal isolates phenotypically and included explaining about the Sinusitis and Tonsillitis and What the most common causative agents , Which are common ( Viruses and Bacteria ) and rare ( Fungal), and about the most important symptoms of each of them , in addition to the comprehensive view of them and and the freshness of previous practical studies , Such as ;

(Astudy on fungal rhinosinusitis in Basrah , Iraq  (2015) ) in this seminar make it clear importance of the study with the current to know the change and developments that occurred during this period , as it explained the most important factors of virulence that fungi possess to cause disease .The most important treatments that are resorted to in the event that both of them do not respond it may be the resistant to treatments or it may be a fungal infection, and What are the most important early and regional treatments ? It to the Antibiotic used, and in the event that is not recommended to resort to surgical operations.