Master's thesis at the University of Basrah The study examines the topography and the sedimentary-fluvial system of the Salihiya Island, southern Iraq.

She studied a master's thesis at the college of Science, University of Basrah (the topography and sedimentary system of the Salhiya Island, southern Iraq). The thesis presented by the student (Amir Imad al-Din Hussein al-Saidi) aims to : knowledge of the sedimentary and mineral environment of the study area, soil classification, comparison of the two banks of the Salhiya River, a taxonomic study of the types of fossils extracted from the study area, and to find out whether the origin of Salhiya island is tectonic (truncated bank) or sedimentary (recent deposition). The dissertation concluded that the sediments forming the study areas of tanouma and Salhiya are alluvial deposits and sandy silt deposits, and that the latter type prevails in the study area and that Salhiya island is a bank cut off from tanouma district by modern tectonic movements in the area to form the Salhiya River and the presence of species A.beccarii, A.tepida, E.incertum, and Cyprideis torosa in the study area and at most depths is evidence of the influence of the area on the marine nature, where their presence together indicates coastal environments with salinity, and the environment of the study area (hypnotic and salubrious) in general is a mixed environment of shallow Brackish-Shallow Water Deposits.Recommended letter: Conducting a mineralogical, geotectonic and geometric study of the area, as it is considered one of the areas with a modern population orientation.