Master Thesis at Basraha University to be discussed (The role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in asthma patients)

A master's thesis at the faculty of Science at the University of Basraha (Study the role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in asthma patients in Basra city), and showed the researcher's thesis (Aliaa Abood Mehdi). Thesis aims to evaluate the role of AhR in the pathophysiology of asthma. and concluded the increased level of IgE is correlated significantly with the underlying pathogenesis mechanism of asthma. The Ahr level were significantly higher in asthma patients which revealed an underlying role of Ahr in triggering chronic inflammation and as an immune modifier. IL-17 and Ahr play an important role in asthma pathogenicity and phenotype (non- type 2 asthma), while no obvious effect of IL-4 was documented in the present study. The positive correlation among the study parameter confirms the role of them in the pathogenesis of asthma. Estimating the IL-17 level is an excellent parameter to determine asthma patients specially patients with non-type 2 asthma. Estimating the Ahr level is a good parameter to determine asthma patients specially patients with non-type 2 asthma. and recommended conducting molecular experiment using qRT-PCR or SNP variation of Ahr gene in asthma and the correlation of Ahr and asthma phenotypes. Conducting similar study involving more cytokines such as IL-31 and IL-33 to investigate the correlation between them and Ahr during asthma. Conducting similar study involving patients with different asthma phenotypes and patients before taking any medication.

Conducting studies related to identify pathways related to asthma and environment risk factors.

