Dr. Hashim Mohammed Jabbar published a paper entitled A broad band investigation of ferromagnetic resonance in exchange coupled permalloy/phthalocyanine bilayer heterostructures at room temperature
in the Materials Todays Communications, which is indexed in Scopus database. the study used magnetron sputtering and organic molecular beam epitaxy methods are used to fabricate the following nanoscale heterostructures: permalloy (Py)/Fe phthalocyanine (Pc), Py/ZnPc, and Py/Cr. Magnetization dynamics of the bilayer heterostructures is investigated in a CPW by studying frequency dependence (5–50 GHz) of the resonance field and linewidth with parallel and perpendicular geometries of the static applied magnetic field, thereby providing insights into possible intrinsic and extrinsic sources of FMR damping. Planar Pc molecules at the Py layer interface are found to have the potential to contribute to magnetic stabilization based on calculated magnetic parameters. This is evidenced by the larger results of surface anisotropy of the Py/MPc bilayer heterostructures induced by exchange coupling interaction at room temperature as well as the lower values of damping constant