University of Basrah organizes a workshop on antibiotic sensitivity testing for bacteria .

The Department of pathological analyzes at the Faculty of science at Albus university organized a workshop on antibiotic sensitivity testing for bacteria .
The workshop aimed to identify antibiotics that kill bacteria and non-lethal antibiotics, as well as any antibiotics to which bacteria show sensitivity or resistance.
The workshop, which was attended by the teaching assistant professor Dr. Amani abdulreda and the teacher Dr. Anwar Abdul Wahab Makki, included conducting a practical test for e bacteria.E. coli isolated from patients using four different types of antibiotics .Amoxycillin,Ampicillin,Azithromycin and Tetracycline. 

The workshop recommended the need to strengthen the students ' skills by conducting such tests in practice and enhancing their self-confidence to work in the laboratory field and improve their abilities .