The College of Science at the University of Basra hosted a scientific lecture on (herbariums). The lecture presented by the lecturer, M.M. Zainab Jassim Abdel-Rida al-Mashab, dealt with the site in which plant samples are kept after drying and pressing them with a specific classification system to represent the plant wealth of that country.
The lecture discussed the topic of herbaria and their history, and the most important international and local herbariums, including the herbarium of the College of Science | University of Basra. The lecture aims to pay attention to herbaria and ways to develop them. The herbarium is a repository for preserving information and an indispensable reference. Herbarium plants are considered natural records that are relied upon in taxonomic studies and other related topics such as agricultural studies. Biological, pharmaceutical and medical.
The lecture recommended developing and caring for herbariums and establishing scientific botanical gardens within universities to be used for scientific and research purposes and to attract researchers from various countries of the world, students and tourists interested in plants.