The College of Science at the University of Basra hosted a scientific lecture on (How to calculate the annual performance evaluation score for a university professor according to the controls of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research), and it explained (the axes of the performance evaluation form, strengths and weaknesses, and how to calculate the weight of grades) The lecture presented by the teaching professor, Professor Dr. Najwa Mohammed Jamil Ali Abu Mejdad. The lecture discussed the topic of calculating annual performance evaluation grades on paper and electronically. The lecture aims to clarify how to fill out the axes and determine the grades for each axis. The lecture recommended providing the university professor who receives a distinction in performance evaluation with a letter of thanks from the university president and designing a local computer program to calculate the grade. Each teacher himself during the evaluation year, so that at the end of the year it will be easy for each teacher to calculate his evaluation score without any difficulties or problems in collecting data.