The Department of Biology at the College of Science at University of Basrah organized an electronic scientific workshop entitled “How to prepare aptamer nano-receptor application from lab to app”
How to prepare aptamer nanoreceptors from the laboratory to application.
The workshop, whichh was delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Hisham Faiadh Mohammed, aimed to:
To include bionanotechnology In pathological diagnostics
The workshop includeincludeed several topics, including:
The first axis: A brief Introduction to the origin and history of nanoscience and the stages of Its development
The second axis: methods for classifying and preparing nanomaterials in general and aptamers In particular
The third axis: Applications of the use of aptamer nanoreceptors In the field of laboratory and diagnostics
The workshop recommended
There is a need to adopt nanotechnology In laboratory diagnosis, especially after observing the side effects of some traditional diagnostic methods