University of Basrah qualifies for the quarter-finals of the Russian Olympic boxing championship

Within the activities of the Boxing Championship under the weight of ( 67 )kg for its second day, the boxer of the University of Basrah and Iraq, Yahya Hisham Sami, qualified for the quarterfinal round of the Boxing Championship held within the activities of the International University sports extermination held in the Russian city ( ekater yenburg) for the period from August to the first of September next .

Dr. Ghassan al-Bajari, a member of the delegation from the University of Basrah, said, " the boxer of the University of Basra and Iraq, Yahya Hisham Sami, achieved a victory over his Azerbaijani counterpart by three rounds to zero, and thus qualified for the quarterfinals guaranteeing one of the championship medals for Iraq and the University of Basrah .