Master's thesis at the University of Basra discusses the efficiency of fungal carotenoid pigments against some causative of dermatomycosis

  A master's thesis in the College of Science, Basra discussed effectiveness of carotenoid dyes extracted from two species of the genus Rhodotorula on some of the causative of dermatomycosis infections. The researcher Haneen Maan Abdulhafedh thesis aims to find therapeutic alternatives of fungal origin that are more effective and less dangerous. The thesis concluded The thesis concluded that the two isolates, R.diobovata and R.mucilaginosa, are carotene-producing, and a high efficacy of beta-carotene purified from the two isolates was recorded in inhibiting the growth of the tested isolates compared to the antifungal nystatin in the laboratory at a concentration of 0.02 g/ml.It recommended the study of the optimal conditions for the growth of each isolate to increase the production of carotenoids and the study of the mechanism of the beta-carotene compound by transmission and scanning electron microscopy.