University of Basrah organizes a lecture entitled Volunteerism and its importance in society

The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit in the College of Science, University of Basrah, in cooperation with the Department of Environment, held a lecture entitled (Volunteer Work and Its Importance in Society) delivered by Dr. Hashim Salem Jassem, responsible for the Scouts Division in the Directorate of Youth and Sports of Basra
The lecture included the definition of volunteering as a human culture and a sentimental message that most countries in the world have become dependent on, as it is considered the primary and secondary pillar to support and support countries, since most governments cannot meet all the needs of their people, so volunteering has become evidence of the sophistication and transcendence of countries, as indicated by The purpose and goal of volunteer work is to provide services and meet the needs of the community for free, collective cooperation, intimacy and love among the members of the community,