The Department of Biology/ College of Science/ University of Basrah has held a seminar entitled (Comparative prevalence of fungal infections between non and post infected Covid-19 patient with Diabetic(

The Department of Biology College of Science at the University of Basrah has organized a seminar entitled (Comparative prevalence of fungal infections between non and post infected Covid-19 patient with Diabetic) by a Master student Rana mohammed naser supervised by Dr.Inaam M.N.Alrubayae  and Dr.Adnan A. Al-Mousawi . Our study is aimed to investigate  the common fungal infections associated with diabetes mellitus  from both non and post-covid 19 infected patients. The study involved the collection of 150 oral and nasal swabs from diabetic patients , The specimens were divided into two groups, where group 1 include 75 patients who have post Covid 19 infections,  while group 2 involved 75 patients who have not infected with Covid 19. The results showed Oral cavity is highly susceptible to fungal infection in comparison to nasal cavity . Moreover, C.albicans was the predominant fungal isolates. In terms of virulence factors , C. albicans showed highly activity in production of both biofilm and hydrolytic enzymes (phospholipases, protease ,esterase and hemolysin)  . The study was recommended ( Further study of fungal infections associated with Diabetic patients in other Iraqi provinces to accumulate the whole figure of the prevalence of fungal infections locally and study the relation of other disorders in DM patients with fungal infections like chronic and transitional diseases and congenital abnormalities.