visit to the shutt al arab coast

It was held in the Department of Life Sciences in the College of Science on 12-21-2022 with a field visit to the Shatt Al-Arab coast, where the students of the third stage / algae course 316 were accompanied on a scientific trip to the Shatt Al-Arab coast opposite the University of Basra / Al-Karma
This is for the purpose of identifying the algae environment and collecting algal samples from the water and attached to the rocks
To learn about the local environment and its components
   In order to prepare students for life
Practical and scientific being the leaders of future scientific change. The visit was supervised by Prof. Nedaa Jassim Muhammad
Al-Mousawi specializes in algae technology in the aforementioned department, accompanied by a logistical support staff from the Deanship of the College of Science, and accompanied by the university photographer, Prof. Hussein
wa. Sajjad, director of the dean's office.