The University of Basrah organizes a seminar entitled (Mycological and Aflatoxilogical evaluation of Iraqi stored wheat and its by -products )

The College of Science at the University of Basrah organized a seminar entitled (Mycological and Aflatoxilogical evaluation of Iraqi stored wheat and its by -products) by the graduate student Wasan Fouad Fadhel The study aims: In view of the great role of the wheat crop in economic terms, this study was conducted, which aims at phenotypic and molecular diagnosis of fungi associated with stored grains and their derivatives. Identification of Aspergillus section flavi species associated with stored wheat and its derivatives, and molecular detection of aflatoxin-producing isolates. and The study showed the presence of many types of fungi accompanying samples of wheat grain and its derivatives collected from grain stores and mills affiliated to silos in the southern governorates.and the study was recommended. (Conducting a periodic examination of cereals, flour and bran in the stores to ensure that they are free from fungal toxins before preparing them for the consumer. The importance of health education on the subject of mycotoxins by the Ministry of Health and scientific institutions because of its risks to human and animal health alike.)