The University of Basrah hold a seminar on the spin thermoelectric transport properties of double quantum dots

A seminar entitled “The Spin Thermoelectric Properties of Serially Coupled Double Quantum Dots Embedded between Two Ferromagnetic Leads” hold at the College of Science, Department of physics. 

The presenter Mohammed Abdulzahra Najdi demonstrates the most important objectives of study the role of each type of interaction between the subsystems, extended model parameterization has been achieved. One the most important is the spin exchange interaction. In our study, it deserves physically to point out the important roles played by Fano resonance and antiresonance, which can be modified by the intradot Coulomb interaction, the spin accumulation in the leads, the coupling interaction with leads, the dot-dot coupling interaction and the spin exchange interaction. Our results show that the figures of merit can be modulated by increasing the spin polarization and the charging energy.