The University of Basrah organizes a seminar entitled (the effect of PML overexpression on ability of adenovirus to transform cells, Gene Therapy)

The College of Science at the University of Basrah organized a seminar entitled (the effect of  PML overexpression  on  ability of adenovirus to transform cells, Gene Therapy) by the graduate Muayad Ismael Ridha  …. The study aims  . Definition of human adenovirus and type 5   role to transform cells and  role of the PML gene in repressing transformation........ The study  included .. Retinoblastoma (Rb) is a gene responsible for suppressing uncontrolled cell growth and controlling its division. It is known that this virus has the ability to bind to this protein to inactivate it through a viral protein that is the cause of cellular transformation produced from the early region of the virus genome called E1A oncogenic protein

The study also included the role of Promyelocytic protein PML, which is a tumor suppressor protein, and the interaction of this protein with other proteins that participate in cell growth, division and self-destruction, and its interference with the virus’s life cycle, which can limit the virus’s ability to cellular transformation ..The study recommendations (Investigating the expression of other genes that are implicated in other anti-tumor pathways and  analyzing the gene expression at the protein level and investigating the effect of other PML isoforms).