University of Basrah organizes a scientific lecture on antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

The Department of Pathological Analysis at the College of Science at the University of Basrah organized an online scientific lecture about the subject " Will antibiotic-resistant Bacteria Be the Next Global Epidemic ?". 
The goal of the lecture is to raise community awareness of the dangers of antibiotic misuse, the consequent increase in registrations of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and key recommendations to reduce the  chances of this increase.    
The lecture.  presented by Prof. Dr. Amal Taleb Al-Saadi from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Babylon included a brief definition of the meaning of antibiotic resistance and the most prominent types of antibiotics
and Pathogenic bacteria that have  resistance to commonly umultiplesed antibiotics. The lecture also dealt with the most important reasons for the increase in resistance to antibiotics.
The lecture called for the antibiotic to be taken only by consulting the medical professional, ensuring that it is taken completely, not leaving it alone when feeling better, following instructions on taking the antigen (times and times), and not attempting to buy back the prescribed antigen more than once, arguing that this would cause the antigen to be overtaken and rendered ineffective. 
Preventive measures should be followed to provide self-protection and for others from infection by following the instructions of hygiene and sterilization where necessary, and ensuring that vegetables and meat must washed and cooked well to  protect yourself against infection.?