College of Science at University Basrah is preparing to organize a scientific lecture on will antibiotic-resistant bacteria be the next global epidemic

The College of Science at Basrah University prepares a scientific lecture on "Will antibiotic-resistant Bacteria Be the Next Global Epidemic ?"
Under the patronage of the President of the University, Professor Dr. Saad Shaheen, the Honorable, and under the supervision of the Dean of the college of Science, Assistant Professor Dr. Mawafaq Fadel Al-Shahwan, the Honorable, and under the coordination of the Head of the Department of Pathological Analyses, Professor Dr. Awatif Hameed Issa, the Department of Pathological Analyses holds a scientific online lecture entitled
"Will antibiotic-resistant Bacteria Be the Next Global Epidemic".
Admitted by Professor Dr. Amal Taleb Al Saadi, PhD in Medical Microbiology, Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, college of Pharmacy, Babelon  University
On Wednesday 1st
 December  2021, 10 p.m
using the FCC platform. 
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